
Showing posts from January, 2014

Ash Monday

So today it’s been exactly one year since Mum had to go. 12 months. 52 weeks. 365 days. 8760 hours. 525600 minutes. Not one of those days has passed by without my thoughts turning to Mum, gravitating towards her like plants stretching for the sun. I used to worry about waking up one day having forgotten her face or the sound of her voice, until I realised an important truth. Part of her will never be gone; she’s embedded in me and H to the core of our beings. Her genetics, her passions, her personality, a technicolor inheritance of humanness imprinted on our hearts. She was a beautiful soul who left an enduring footprint on this earth. The people whose lives she touched were varied and many; remembered for her smile, her love, her helpful heart, her incredible creativity, her passion for those others found too difficult and her crazy sense of humour. Her fifty four year journey here took her through wintry wastelands and sparkling summers alike, but the constant d